tirsdag den 6. marts 2012

Pasta Salad.

I suddenly had the urge for a pasta salad, this evening. I didn't felt like cooking a big meal, so I choose this light dinner.  And It's Spring. So whats better that give ur body a boost of vitamins. This is a veggie salad, but if u want to have bacon, chicken or some other meat in it, feel free. The possibilities are endless. Under the picture, there will be a recipe on the salad. Enjoy.

Ingredients for the salad: pasta, carrots, spinach leafs, sweet red peppers, cucumber, mozzarella.

Dressing: Soy yogurt, salt, pepper, hot paprika, curry powder and a small dollop of ketchup.

Toppingcashew nuts

Boil pasta Al-dente. Pour cold water over it.
Chop carrots, spinach, sweet red peppers, cucumber, mozzarella and mix it together in a bowl. Put the cold pasta with. Make the dressing. Drip it over the salat. Finish it with cashew nuts. Done. Easy Pecy. Bon Appetit.

4 kommentarer:

  1. It really is. I used google translate to get it done. Fuck I'm lazy. And that little speaker can't be deleted *LOL*

  2. Velbekomme! Looks a very healthy meal!

  3. Mange tak :) Det smagte dejligt :)
